Din sökning på "swedish" gav 23861 sökträffar
BROWN BAG SEMINAR - Migrant women in the Swedish labour market: What can we learn from the experiences of Ukrainians and Syrians?
KOM Higher Seminar - Joking nationalism: modes, moods, and national identity in foreign policy discourse on Swedish Reddit
2 april 2025 13:00 till 15:00 | Seminarium A text seminar with Dr. Joanna Doona (Department of Communication, Lund University) and Dr. Tommy Bruhn, Tenure track assistant professor (Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen). Om evenemangetPlats:Room A158, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Helgonabacken 12, LundKontakt:helena [dot] sandberg [at] iko [dot] lu [dot] se Spara evenemanget till
Last chance! Lunchtime tour of Come as you are! …and other new acquisitions
16 februari 2024 12:00 till 12:30 | Utställning Kom som du är! ...och andra nyförvärv, Emma Kronvall, Ensamräv och Trädpojke, 2016. Foto Emma Krantz Skissernas Museum (2).jpg Photo: Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum Last chance for all colleagues at Lund University to join a guided tour of Skissernas Museum’s major exhibition presenting a selection of the hundreds of acquisitions added to the museum
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/last-chance-lunchtime-tour-come-you-are-and-other-new-acquisitions - 2025-03-12
From Lund to Global Climate Action: Lessons from COP 29 Climate Negotiations
28 november 2024 16:00 till 17:00 | Seminarium We are pleased to invite you to a seminar on climate negotiations, focusing on the outcomes and challenges of this year's international climate discussions during COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Join us for a one-hour digital panel discussion with with Lund University alumni who are now actively involved in shaping global climate policy, and a researcher
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/lund-global-climate-action-lessons-cop-29-climate-negotiations - 2025-03-12
AI Lund lunch seminar: AI fairness on our digital markets
7 maj 2025 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium Topic: AI fairness on our digital marketsWhen: 7 May at 12.00-13.00Where: Online. Link by registration.Speakers: Behrang Kianzad, Business Law, LUSEM, Lund UniversitySpoken language: EnglishAbstractRecent years have witnessed the re-emergence of the highly contested concept of “fairness” in European competition law, economics and policy, not least regarding
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/ai-lund-lunch-seminar-ai-fairness-our-digital-markets - 2025-03-12
Two decades after Automobile Politics: cultural political economies of stability and transformation
19 september 2024 11:00 till 12:15 | Seminarium Welcome to a seminar and panel discussion about the cultural political economy of climate change. The seminar opens with an overview of the field of cultural political economy based on the legacy of the book “Automobile Politics”, which draws out the linkages between everyday life and global climate politics through the case of automobility.The autho
Thinking Together
28 november 2024 17:00 till 19:00 | Föreläsning Photo: Nana Osei-Kofi Malmö Theatre Academy invites you to a conversation between Nana Osei-Kofi and Lena Sawyer, “Grappling with the Colonial Archive: Performance, Place, and Public Engagement”. The event takes place November 28th 17.00–19.00, and is open to the public. After the conversation we will share a meal.In this Thinking Together, Nana Osei
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/thinking-together-grappling-colonial-archive-performance-place-and-public-engagement - 2025-03-12
Flower Power dagen i Botan!
25 maj 2024 11:00 till 15:00 | Övrigt Upplev blommornas Power med oss! En dag med massor av olika aktiviteter för stora och små! In English below!Växternas sinnen. Utställning i trädgården.Blossom exchange - byt, odla och dela dina växter med andra. Haka på studentorganisationen Hållbart universitet för att fira växtvärlden! Vårt växtutbyte är ett perfekt tillfälle för trädgårdsodlare och växtentu
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/flower-power-dagen-i-botan - 2025-03-12
Högkvalitativ forskning kräver funktionell och avancerad infrastruktur Vid Lunds universitet finns högkvalitativa och experimentella anläggningar, databaser, laboratorier, samlingar och biobanker som är avgörande för banbrytande forskning. Universitetet är värd och medverkar i flera nationella och internationella infrastrukturer. MAX IVLunds universitet är värd för världens första fjärde generatio
https://www.lu.se/forskning/forskningsinfrastruktur - 2025-03-12
Jacobæus symposium
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/jacobaeus-symposium - 2025-03-12
Short film screening at Panora
21 december 2024 16:00 till 18:30 | Övrigt Dolgoji and the Hungry Ghost by Siri Hammarén On the shortest day of the year, we will screen eight short films made by students at Malmö Art Academy. The event is part of the Short Film Day at Panora. HOW TO GET OUTDirector: Andrea Sitara Gran / Sweden / 2024 / 1:20 min / Without dialogueA practical experiment on whether or not rolling down a hill can ge
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/short-film-screening-panora - 2025-03-12
Yoga for Climate Anxiety and Building Inner Resiliency to Tackle Sustainability Challenges
8 april 2024 15:00 till 16:30 | Övrigt Join us for this event to learn how to build your inner resiliency and channel your energy to create outward change. We offer a workshop for learning, reflection, and intention for how mindfulness and compassion can be powerful tools for sustainability work. We also acknowledge climate anxiety and feelings of powerlessness, and practice tools (through yoga, b
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/yoga-climate-anxiety-and-building-inner-resiliency-tackle-sustainability-challenges - 2025-03-12
Workshop: Bridging Sustainable Consumption and ICT
24 juni 2024 14:00 till 18:00 | Konferens This workshop is part of the ICT4S (ICT for Sustainability) conference in Stockholm, 24-28 June 2024. SummaryConsumption patterns are increasingly influenced by the ubiquitous presence of ICT in our daily lives. As digital services are considered less carbon-intensive that most other consumption categories, increased usage of ICT can mean increased demater
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/workshop-bridging-sustainable-consumption-and-ict - 2025-03-12
25 april 2024 20:00 till 28 april 2024 20:00 | Föreläsning, Konsert Acousmatic Concerts & Screenings at IAC Four floors up from Inkonst, at Inter Arts Center, an acousmonium made up of more than 40 speakers hosts concerts of acousmatic music, along with collateral events including workshops, performances, and screenings, featuring two premieres.This year’s special focus is on the French composer L
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/intonal-2024 - 2025-03-12
INTONAL 2025: Acousmatic Concerts at IAC
24 april 2025 20:00 till 27 april 2025 18:30 | Konsert, Workshop The collaboration between INTONAL and IAC is renewed this year, once again hosting IAC’s Acousmonium in the Red Room. First set up fifteen years ago, this unique sound system, now comprising more than 40 speakers, has been continuously refined and improved year after year thanks to the artists who have used it, experimented with it,
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/intonal-2025-acousmatic-concerts-iac - 2025-03-12
Naturvetarstråket på Kulturnatten
21 september 2024 10:00 till 23:59 | Övrigt Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten bjuder på en vetenskapsfestival med massor av aktiviteter för både vuxna och barn. Du kan bland annat ta del av våra fartfyllda shower, populärvetenskapliga föredrag, planetarievisningar, experiment och utställningar, science slam och teleskoptitt. Välkommen till oss på Kulturnatten i Lund, lördagen den 21 september! See act
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/naturvetarstraket-pa-kulturnatten-0 - 2025-03-12